But it’s not just mouthwatering recipes that get me fired up. I’m also passionate about supporting girls and women to step into careers at PepsiCo in the STEM sector — just like I did.
STEM is essential to the opportunity, innovation and excitement that define PepsiCo. For the data analysis behind our consumer insights, the food science in our products, the environmental engineering in our manufacturing plants or the systems that underpin how we run the business, STEM professionals are at the heart of how this great company operates.
PepsiCo provides a unique opportunity to leverage STEM disciplines that affect everybody.
Consider innovation. Nothing at PepsiCo stays precisely the same for long. Different tastes. Different textures. Different ingredients. Different packaging. The change that goes into our portfolio never stops — and STEM talent and thinking turns these changes from thoughts to genuine innovation.
Consider sustainability. Once upon a time, scientists realized that plastics could provide safety, affordability, portability and freshness to packaged goods.
But then we realized plastics came with a steep and unanticipated environmental cost — which today all of us are worried about. In the future, plastic can still offer all of those benefits, but we’ve got to figure out a way to substantially reduce its environmental impact. And guess who will be the people to do that? STEM experts. In fact, we’re doing it right now at PepsiCo.
And it doesn’t stop there. Talented people with STEM skills are crucial to PepsiCo’s nutrition and sustainability agenda. You could play a part in inventing a new way to save water, energy or time. You might help farmers figure out how to mitigate the effects of climate change. You might change the world for the better.
In my current leadership role, I direct the PepsiCo Global Quality Assurance Organization, a team of extremely talented engineers and scientists across the world who ensure through robust quality systems design and implementation that our products reach our consumers as intended, every bag and every sip.